About Us

About the Website

“እውነት ለሁሉ” (Truth for All) website is established by Ethiopian Christians. We provide our visitors with articles, news, books, audio and video resources in Amharic and other Ethiopian languages concerning Christianity and Islam. The English section of our website is aimed to inform our international visitors about Islam and Christianity in Ethiopia. Our exhaustive discussions of topics related to Christianity and Islam are available in Ethiopian languages.

1. What Prompted Us

1.1. External Influences:-

  • Global Islamic forces are mobilizing huge resources in order to Islamize Ethiopia.
  • Radial Muslims are assaulting fundamental Christian doctrines by using different mediums of communication. Islamic polemicists’ writings, VCDs and CDs on the authority of the bible and Christianity are rampant in the country.
  • These polemical materials are disseminating over the internet. There are many Islamic Pal talk rooms, websites, enumerable blogs, YouTube channels and other social media groups. Many Ethiopian Christians, especially those who are living in Arab Countries are converting to Islam because of these materials.
  • Global Islamic forces are working vigorously to cripple Ethiopian Christians politically, economically and socially. The part Christians play in politics, business and in the shaping of overall social fabric is dwindling from time to time.
  • The relatively peaceful form of Islam (Folk Islam) is on radicalization at an alarming pace as the outcome of Global Islamic revival.
  • As the result of this radicalization process many Christians are being victimized by fanatical groups.
  • The government is submitting to virtually every demand of Islam.

1.2. Internal Problems:-

  • The task of the Great Commission is being relegated to quite few people and ministries.
  • There are no adequate rebuttals and apologetical works from Ethiopian Christians.
  • Christians are ill-equipped to answer issues Muslims rise on Christianity and the Bible.
  • Christian Medias are not giving attention for Muslim Evangelism.

2. Objectives

2.1. General Objective

The general objective of this website is to reach Muslims with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and equip Christians to fulfill the Great Commission by reaching their Muslim neighbors with the love of Christ.

2.2. Specific Objectives of the Website

  • Reaching our Ethiopian Muslim friends with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Answering Common Questions of Muslims.
  • Answering objections against Christianity (polemics rebuttals).
  • Critical evaluations of fundamental Islamic doctrines.
  • Building bridge between Christians and Muslims for Mutual understanding.

3. Materials on the Website

Visitors can find the following types of materials on the website for free:-

  • Articles
  • E-books
  • Video and audio recordings

4. Languages of the Website

  • Amharic – is the main language of the website. Materials in Amharic will be the basis for materials in other languages on the website
  • Afan Oromo – is the mother tongue of over 35,000,000 Ethiopians. Nearly half of Oromos in Ethiopia are adherents of Islam. The Islamization process in Ethiopia is mainly focused on Oromo people; hence it is very important to have this section on our website.
  • English – in this section of the website we will put information and news about Islam and Christianity in Ethiopia for the benefit of our international visitors. Since there are many English websites dealing with Islam we don’t need to re-invent the wheel. For those who are interested in studying topics related to Christianity and Islam, we recommend Answering Islam website.
  • Tigrigna – is the mother tongue of over 10,000,000 Ethiopians and Eritreans. 

5. Why the Website?

  • Internet is becoming part and parcel of the daily activity of millions of Ethiopians.
  • Launching website will enable us to counter Islamic websites, Equip Christians in apologetics and Evangelize Muslims.
  • It is cost effective.
  • It is secure (we can reach the Muslims without compromising our security).
  • We can reach the maximum number of urban Muslims and Christians.


Contact us at: ewnet4hulu@gmail.com

May God Bless you!